No, not transvestites. I don't give half a damn whether a man wants to dress up as a woman and make a total fool of himself.
Transnational Progressivists. Go die. This means you, Barbara Boxer. And you, John Kerry.
I am a proud American. That's American, you shitstains. I am not, nor do I want to be, a "citizen of the world." I don't like the rest of the world. My ancestors left Europe because they could see, three hundred years ago, that Europe was going down the crapper. They could see that, without the King's or Emperor's or whatever's agents right up their asses, they'd have the freedom to make a good life for themselves, their children, and their children's children.
This is the land of opportunity. Yes, there are a very few up at the top of the social scale, and a whole lot at the bottom. Yes, I understand that you think it's not fair.
But I've got your number on what's "not fair," and it's not that people are poor.
It's that, with a couple of missteps, you could find yourself at the bottom of that social scale.
You stinking transnational progressivists cannot stand the idea that those at the bottom can, in this country, work hard and get themselves out of poverty. Without your help. You can't stand the idea that you, the elite, are equally mobile in the opposite direction.
So, what do you do? You sniveling weasels try to sign away our soverignty as a nation to that group of European elites that run the never-to-be-sufficiently-damned U.N.
Barbara Boxer thinks all parents abuse their children until proven otherwise by the "intellectual elites" in Switzerland--eighteen individuals, probably none of whom have successfully raised a child.
John F. Kerry thinks that the United States should sign over all rights to its territorial waters to the U.N.
That last scares me almost more than the first. After all, who is the U.N.? It isn't an actual government. It isn't an actual nation. It's a club house that is made up of members that, when they're united in anything, it's hatred of the United States of America. The U.N. is not our friend. It's our enemy.
And the U.N. is our enemy because they cannot stand that this single country has the ability to prove all of their philosophies wrong, and has spent the last thirty years proving socialism wrong. They cannot stand the idea that we could demonstrate that their self-chosen elite are not able to compete with a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people."
They know they cannot defeat us from without. Therefore, they work to defeat us from within.
And, should these treaties be ratified--the UNCRC, and the LOST--they will have won.
OUR OWN CONSTITUTION will see to that.
48 minutes ago
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