Everyone has something. I feel more blessed than most.
I'm thankful...
...for my son's health. He's been home for barely over a year, and has been briefly ill twice, both times with colds. And this despite having been premature.
...for my husband, who also happens to be my best friend, and the other half of my soul.
...for my family's love. They may not always be comfortable with the choices I make--and downright disapprove of several, including the choice to defend myself if need be--but they've never done anything else than love me (and my husband, and my son).
...for my much-improved relationship with my in-laws. My mother- and father-in-law really didn't like me much until I started grad school (and did, in fact, attempt to break us up at our first Thanksgiving). I love them now as much as if they were my parents instead of my husband's.
...for the time being, I still live in a country that allows me to own guns, keep guns in my home, and on my person. I'm grateful that I was able to get a permit to carry concealed out in public to protect my infant son. Because when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
...for the CCW class instructor, who, being a husband and father himself, as well as an officer of the law, told me to ignore said law when I go back to teaching on campus. That my life, and the lives of my students could hang in the balance, and that all of us surviving was far more important than some rule that a gun-fearing, criminal-loving, lily-livered leftist had come up with to make themselves and their buddies feel safe.
...for being done with grading first drafts of papers until next week.
...that my other half and I have sense enough to have paid off all consumer debt we have.
There are many other things for which I am thankful--far too many to cover in the short amount of time I have before we leave for my in-laws. What are you thankful for?
3 hours ago
Could have sworn I commented on this days ago.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm thankful for much of the same type of stuff, if not in the specific details.
Eh, Ken, swear all you like. I don't mind.
ReplyDeleteSenior moments suck, don't they?