Thursday, January 16, 2025

New book!




I had a new book go live, yesterday.  I was planning on embedding the link so y'all could see it, but...apparently Amazon's decided that us authors don't require that as an option in the share button anymore.  Or at least, not an easy one.  Let's see if I can't find a work-around that I am capable* of doing...



Click on the cover.  If  that doesn't work, here's the link at Amazon:

This is a bit different from my normal works--it has a little more in common with The Last Pendragon than it does anything else.  I'd intended for it to be a short story, but...yeah.  Character went, "Wait.  I'm the bad guy?  I don't wanna be the bad guy!  Let me fix it!"  And...eight thousand words of short story turned into more than forty thousand of short novel.  

No, I have no idea why it turned out that way.  Characters just...occasionally...hijack my stories and run off cackling with the plot.

*I am not, by any means, computer literate.  I am, at best, a competent user.  I don't do stupid things that break critical stuff like my mother and aunts did.  I can use a few programs, but that's about it. 

1 comment:

  1. Sigh, I know those feelings... Characters doing their 'own' thing is...interesting...


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