Friday, August 23, 2024

School is back in session.

 Last week was a half-week.  Monday saw "Back to School Night," where the kids take their supplies to their classrooms/lockers, and pick up their schedules (for secondary).  Pixie (who's now much taller than me) is in 8th grade, this year, and Imp...Imp is in high school.  

I'm really, really proud of that.  

I actually wrote this past summer.  Yeah, the housework went to shit, but I wrote.  I finished a short novel, a novella, and am about 2/3 of the way done with another collection of short stories.  

And since school has been back in session, I managed to get the revisions done on the short novel and get it sent out to one of my beta readers.  The novella?  Beta reader finished it, and I've got it up for pre-order.  It'll pop live in mid-September, at which point it'll be available to borrow KU.  

I'm thankful the kids are back in school.  They've got their own friend groups that they hang around with in school, and they don't spend their time abrading each other's nerves...and mine.

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