I live in a small town in the very middle of the country. I have a nasty allergy to wheat. Most of the stores in my region do not carry food that I can eat, and I totally lack the time and energy to make everything from scratch. I also lack the knowledge, ingredients, and equipment to make other things.
Amazon is how I get my hands on some of the things I can eat. They are things either not carried throughout the region, or are things priced so high I simply can't afford them so that whether I can eat them or not is a moot point.
I also have problems with the joints in my hands that make writing with a ballpoint pen--or even a gel pen--painfully impossible. I've found that fountain pens are my best bet. There is one store--ONE--in the region that carries fountain pens that are not also calligraphy pens. And they're priced high and use tiny, useless cartridges. The store doesn't carry bottled ink, nor yet converters for these pens.
Again, I turn to Amazon to fill these needs.
My local bookstore does not carry most of the authors who I like to read without having to order in their work--political correctness precludes some, and the rest are independent authors who publish through Amazon.
Not every store can carry every item, Mr. President. And not every individual can afford to fill their needs with the few options that are carried...or afford to travel to find the things that they need.
Claiming that Amazon hurts business isn't accurate. Or, it may be, but it's a limited view.
Hurting Amazon harms customers like me who MUST shop online instead of locally because of lack of products carried locally.
Thank you for proving my opinion of you as a shallow, stupid, reckless, narcissistic, greedy asshole accurate.
Although I'd have been happier to be proved wrong.
Someone Disappointed to Not Be Disappointed
3 hours ago
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