Dear Leader plans to put a freeze (by veto) on discretionary spending by Congress.
It won't help; rather, it won't help enough. We're too deeply in debt, both as a nation and as a majority of its private citizens, and it's not just discretionary spending causing problems. It's stimulus spending, the addition of business strangling regulations, the raising of taxes, and the impending collapse of private credit. It's every bad money decision made on every level coming home to roost all at once.
I am not saying that there's no way to stop the avalanche. However, I don't think that the nation has the will to do what needs to be done and to make it stick.
First things first: every current incumbent needs booted out of their seat in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, on both the national and the state level. Every budget needs to be scrapped. Every program--especially the social programs--needs to be scrapped. Social Security needs to be changed. Then, with the money freed up, we need to scrap the politically correct wars we're fighting, and actually fight to win this ongoing war to keep our citizens safe. Once that's done, we need to push hard to pay off all of our multi-trillion dollar foreign debt.
Let's start with the domestic political side of things. Our current crop of congresscritters are pretty much entirely at fault--on both the national and the state level--for our current problems. Before you protest that it only got this bad within the past ten years, let me remind you of something: the current sitting representatives and senators, on the national level at least, have mostly been there for more than the ten years during which the wheels have come off. Robert Byrd, stellar Democrat senator with former ties to the KKK, is a prime example--he's been in place for sixty years. Strom Thurmond, God rest his soul, was an example of a long-serving congresscritter that should have retired long before he did. Teddy Kennedy recently died in his seat after 47 years in the Senate.
That's too long by anyone's count. And these are the ones responsible, through their purchase of votes with tax dollars spent on their constituents--which should have been simply returned to the ones that paid the money in, rather than spread to those who didn't--for today's economy. Contrary to popular opinion, this economy isn't totally Bush's fault. Nor is it totally Obama's fault. Or Clinton's fault. Or Bush I's fault. It's all of them, and none of them, and almost all congress. They need to go.
Many of the current social programs need to be scrapped. I'm not counting Social Security in with that, for various reasons; however, the way it's implemented and managed must change if it's not going to sink the economy all on its own. But that's a different point--right now, I'm talking about the programs that are currently adding debt to and sinking our economy: the ones that fall under the heading of welfare.
There are three huge groups--not individuals, lobbying groups--that are receiving the largest chunk of welfare payments in the United States today. First among these, and longest sucking at the government teat, is Big Farmers. I'm not talking about the family farms that made up the soul of our nation's earliest history, I'm talking about the corporations that benefit from all of the tax exemptions, tax credits, and those lovely little subsidies that keep food prices where the corporations can make the largest profit without the sheeple screaming to high heaven. We have tax subsidies for farmland placed in trust in a "land bank" that's never farmed, to keep the price of food artificially high. We have tax subsidies to grow corn to be used not as food but as ethanol, which happens to reduce cars' gas mileage by a considerable amount. We have tarriffs placed on sugar grown in Central America (though that may have changed if CAFTA has passed) which does nothing but protect American sugar growers' profits by driving up the price artificially. All of this is funded with money stolen from all of us to pay a few corporations that have successfully lobbied for the biggest welfare payments to any group in the country.
Another huge group that are busily sucking on the government teat is the American automakers. This has been a far more recent development--and, since it's been so much in the news lately, I won't really go much into it. However, it does lead me to the last group: unions. All unions have been successfully fighting for their place at the taxpayers' buffet, but the most successful of those has been auto workers' unions, the SEIU, and teachers' unions.
And between them, these groups are breaking the US economy. And they neither need nor deserve the government money handed out without any accountability. I say cut them off. All of them.
I'd say welfare paid out to individuals needs to be scrapped as well, but that's going to have to go by increments. There are too many children that would pay dearly, in the coin of their health if not their lives, for their parents' inability to believe that "Obama money" is actually taxpayer money--income taken from those who'd earned it, and given it to worthless, lazy scum that won't bother to look for a way out of the inner cities. I think the best course would probably be for the federal government to tell the states that they would be cutting off all social program funding, except for a fixed dollar amount that will be going to schools but still be directed by the state, within a year of the decision being passed, and if the states wanted to fund their own, to go right ahead.
I don't count Social Security in with this for various reasons; first and foremost, those drawing on SS have been paying into it for all of their working lives. It's just as much theft to not pay them back as they're perpetrating onto those working and paying into it to fund their checks today. However, it needs to change. All social security payments for those paying in under a certain cutoff age (say, 55) need to be funneled into private accounts--each who pays in gets the exact money he pays in, not his money spent on current retirees with the expectation that his retirement will be funded by his grandchildren working. They sent Bernie Madoff to prison for that.
Just behind the huge corporate welfare programs in terms of dollars spent is the way we're prosecuting the war. We're trying too hard to win hearts and minds amongst a people who hate us. What we need to be doing is removing their ability to hurt us. Ever. We need to wipe out any and all infrastructure, government, and any and all ability to rebuild same. We need an ally in the area to enforce such, and we actually do have a few. India comes to mind--they see us as a recent ally in their war on Islamofacism. They'd do a great job keeping the Muslim hydra under control. So would Israel.
Between the funds freed up by ending corporate welfare and by ending this stupid, needlessly expensive, politically correct conflict, we could probably pay off the national debt, buying back our national security from those who hate us (like China and France). And one of the best ways to make sure we can pay it off quickly and easily is to review and reduce unneeded regulations on businesses (including that fucking stupid one forcing banks to lend to those who cannot or will not pay the money back under the guise of "Community Reinvestment"). Oh, and to cut the tax rates on both businesses (without which, they wouldn't have needed welfare in the first place), and on individuals. If the government doesn't take as large a proportion of my money, I'm willing to work harder, and make a larger amount of money, which in turn, means that the government will get more without raising taxes.
Freezing congress's discretionary spending isn't enough. What needs to be done is a complete reversal of the progressives' march toward socialism. We don't want to go there, and we're tired of being dragged that way, kicking and screaming, by a nobility that our own Constitution refuses to acknowledge.
41 minutes ago
Good post. Here's a site you may find of interest. It's the EWG Farm Subsidy Database. Just click on your state and pick you county. This even includes the small farmers. It's interesting to see the names of folks you know and then see both husband and wife collecting subsidies of the same land.
Thanks for the website, BobF.
ReplyDeleteI only wish I could get most of my family to actually do the research for themselves, if they won't listen to me. But nope--they believe the hype that "small farmers don't do that."