You're a pencil-necked, sanctimonious, viciously ambitious jackass. I've disliked you since you were instrumental in getting rid of what would have been the best governor Missouri had had in decades, then used that to springboard yourself from Missouri AG to U.S. Senator. Seriously disliked you, to the point of voting against you when you ran.*
That said, you spent your first few years in office doing things that I liked. I started to like you in spite of myself. However, I have never trusted you. I have never forgotten your ambition, and I assumed it would have you turning on us, your constituents, the second you felt you had a better offer. Or someone had something on you. felt like it.
Because you? You're not an honest politician.** You're a reform politician. And recently, someone got to you.
You came out and said that Medicaid must be expanded, not cut. This is not just wrong, it's so wrong that I'm absolutely certain that you could probably give yourself a visual cardiac examination without having to use any equipment to do so, other than maybe a flashlight.
Senator, Medicaid is never in the people's best interests. It is a shitty program that gives shitty service to people who don't have a choice between accepting being treated like shit and potentially dying. Expanding Medicaid takes a limited amount of dollars and spreads it over more people, which means that they'll get shittier service, because there's less resources per person.
Not only that, but it costs everyone more. Including the poor people you're trying to help.
And I swear unto God that if you succeed in expanding Missouri Medicaid, I will never vote for you again. If you vote for it, I won't vote for you. Hell, if you continue to advocate for that, rather than beating back the ACA requirements that forced people into it that shouldn't be on it, I won't ever vote for you again. Because you'll have proved yourself an utter moron that shouldn't be anywhere near the levers of power.
Most sincerely,
A disgusted voter
Update: Yeah, no. With this he's lost my vote. Period fucking dot. I do not want him going in with a NY D on a "mental wellness" bill for first responders. First, because I don't trust a D to have anyone's best interests in mind, and second, because fuck them, they lost, they can suck it, no mercy, no cooperation. It is, after all, how they roll.
*Senators should not be up for a popular vote. The amendment that gave the people the vote for senators should be repealed. There was a solid reason why the senate was made up of individuals appointed by the governors of the states for the six year terms: senators were to keep the state's interests in mind in their votes, not the popular interests.
**Heinlein said it best: an honest politician, once he's bought stays bought. A reform politician, though...all you have to do is convince him that what you want him to do is in the best interests of the people, even when it's patently not, and he'll turn on his constituents.